Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Picture of me taken at a pre-Christmas party last week. The small tower to the left of my elbow is the 10 story Ocean Front condo which is one short lot from our casita. The party was in Altos, at one of the houses along the highest ridge road. The house obviously has a dramatic view. It is also quite windy, occasionally blowing out windows. We saw several old friends and met a few new ones.

Clayton diving into his birthday platter at Don Chacho's on Dec. 23. Lonnie started with a hamburger.

Mason and Maverick showing off their new tatoos.
Mason and Lilly examining our friend Ty's bugs which he collected in Altos. Mason asked some great questions, like whether similar looking bugs in a row were in the same family! Lilly was quite thrilled by the bugs. She and Mason are good friends. Ty is a retired physician who loves collecting the enormous number of bugs one finds in Panama. He had several scorpions, and Jayne has just given me a short lecture on not leaving open containers on the floor!

After looking at the bugs everyone went for a swim in the river nearby. One can hear this waterfall from our lot in Altos.

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