I was able to make contact with my college roommate. He and I had become political rivals later in college. We ran on opposite tickets for student government office. He went on to law school and had a career as a staffer in Packwood's office and then became a tax judge, with the help of another mutual college friend who had become a Senator from North Dakota. We explored a very interesting air museum out near the airport.
We used our exchange hosts' car to get to this site and to Harper's Ferry. For everything else we took the Metro. Getting a week pass is the way to go.

We saw most of the usual monuments, including the moving tributes to the Viet Nam casualties, and the new tributes to the Korean Conflict victims. Part of it does record the deaths of civilians and UN troups, other than Americans.
A lesser known memorial is called the Rooms. It has several open air "rooms" dedicated to the various eras within FDR's presidency. That's me joining in a bred line. We enjoyed the monument.
We did the museums, of course. The science museums are terriffic. All the Smithsonians are free. Did you know Mr. Smithson had never even visited America?
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