Bunny has a few hundred acres next to 3000 hectares (approx 2.5 acres per hectare) of park land. When the Wallabies are ready to go they just leave. Some return months or years later to say Hi. Her local phone is 4069-6012 if you are in Cooktown. She is on Cameron Reek Rd, out past the airport. Tell her we said Hello, and give her some money for her good, selfless work.

First, we picked up Mavie at his school. Her, Nama is helping him find his back pack at the outdoor storage area.
Mavie helped open the gate to Bunny's land. Note the No Dogs sign. Dogs are not generally welcome in most stores, and they would be dangerous for the baby Wallabies.

Here are three Wallabies resting in the pouches of baby's clothing on hangers. They are born very tiny, the size of your little finger, and grow to independence in their mother's pouch, suckling her milk.
Maverick was in heaven. He asked to come back the next day. He is great with animals, and would love to have a dog or some other pet. His brothers' allergies limit that possibility. Even a python has to receive mice for food. We have talked about a lzard as a pet.
Bunny is retired with great grandchildren, She has given her life to saving these Wallabies. She is an intersting lady, and has been featured on Japanese TV.
Here I am with a baby Wallaby.
It was great day.
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